Seafood is the daily source of protein for 3 billion people, making it an important part of our business. As marine fish stocks decline and demand increases, both the global fishing industry as well as the marine ecosystem face tough challenges. Destructive fishing methods and climate change are heavily damaging ocean environments. Similarly, the seafood industry experiences pressure from illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, undermining efforts to ensure sustainable production.
In the face of these challenges, numerous solutions have seen the light of day. Growth in responsible farmed fish is a promising solution to the issue of declining fish stocks, but is not without its own challenges. At sea, more sustainable ways of fishing are helping fish stocks recover with new fishing techniques that reduce by-catch.
Ahold Delhaize and its brands are working hard to make sure that all our own brand seafood is responsibly sourced by 2025. This means we aim to buy seafood for our own brand which is either:
More information can be found in the section 'sustanability statements - environmental information' of our Annual Report 2024, starting on page 141.